• Good design is more than lipstick on a pig.

    Everything you put your name on makes an impression. Good design can make sure that impression is a powerful one that results in increased business. Whether in print or on the web, your image speaks for you (or against you), often when you can’t do it in person.

    And even the best product or service in the world can get hidden under too much lipstick. We can help wash away that lipstick so your message comes across, loud and clear and looking good.

  • Phoenix Graphics has over 40 years of experience in designing for individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations, from corporate identity to brochures, logos, annual reports, and periodicals. With a specialty in design for print, we know the value of great typography and how to make your words have the most impact. We welcome the opportunity to talk to you about taking off the lipstick and giving your business a great makeover.

    And we believe that good design doesn’t have to break the bank.

  • Whether you require design services for print projects or social media campaigns, Phoenix Graphics has the experience and the skill to get it done right and on budget. We have experience designing logos, business cards, flyers, posters, annual reports, t-shirts, social media graphics, you name it.


Our Portfolio

Click the links below to check out some of our work.





Adele Robey

An (almost) lifelong Washington, DC, resident, Adele has been in the graphics business for almost 40 years. Starting out in printing and typography, she has worked on pretty much every kind of graphics, from menus to magazines, logos to brochures and annual reports and power point presentations. She is also an experienced writer and editor (and a strong believer in punctuation). She believes that working on what things should look like should be fun and not intimidating.